Animating Blender Models With Mixamo
Using Mixamo For Model Animation
With very little effort, you can use Adobes Mixamo to fully animate your Blender models. Once you understand the process that is.
This guide requires:
Blender version 2.78c+ with its default settings. The exception being
Select With:
, underis set to
Left Click
. -
Blender FBX file Importing and Exporting, enabled.
A Modest amount of Blender knowledge.
A Mixamo account.
Prepare to Export
To properly animate your models there are a few rules you should follow.
Read the Common Questions guide before you do anything else.
Clean up your Blender file prior to exporting. This means you have a game ready model that will become the base for all your animations. Do this in a copy of your file so you have the original as a backup. The following checklist is provided for your convenience.
You have no Animations.
You have applied a triangulate modifier. Some exporters other than Ogre, have an option to apply the modifier on export. This would be the preferred method.
You have UV Mapped your model. It isn’t required by Mixamo, just for loading your models into jme.
Your models origin is at the base of the mesh.
You have your materials and textures done for your model. It isn’t required by Mixamo, just for loading your model into jme.
You have cleared your buffers. It isn’t required by Mixamo, just makes your models cleaner for jme.
You have applied the Location, Rotation, and Scale to your model.
set the Unit of Measure to Meters and the Length to Metric. Adobe uses centimeters for the FBX exporter and if this is not set the models scale will be unusual to say the least. JME3 uses 1 WU = whatever you determine but meters will make things easier for all aspects of your modeling. If you are doing this now, you may have to re-scale your model before proceeding.
See Creating assets in Blender3D for help on creating jME3 compatible models. |
Blender FBX Export
In the
3d Viewport
, select your model, it will be high-lighted in orange. -
In the
header, select.
Enter a file path to export to, usually the same folder as your
file for simplicity. -
Enter a file name.
In the
Export FBX
panel, located in the bottom left of the export dialog:- Main Tab
Selected Objects
Scale = 1
Click the button next to scale to deselect Scale all data. Failure to do so will destroy the scale of your model. If the button is selected, it will be dark in color.
Forward = -Z Forward
Up = Y Up
Which kind of object to export = Mesh
- Geometries Tab
Apply Modifiers
When you are done, click the Export FBX button to export the file.
You can save these FBX export settings by clicking the + button next to Operator Presets. |
Mixamo FBX Import
Create an Mixamo account and login.
From the
Default Character
panel, selectUpload Character
. -
Navigate to the file to be uploaded or drag and drop it onto the file up-loader.
Generally, if at any time during the import and rigging process the model does not appear within the time specified in the dialog that is showing, something has gone wrong and you will have to restart the process over. |
Mixamo Auto-Rigger
If everything went well the Auto-Rigger
will open and your model will be facing you. If not, fix your model in Blender before proceeding.
If the model is facing you, click Next.
In this panel you will rig your model. Place the markers as shown in the Auto-Rigger dialog image.
Remember that the model is facing you so its right is on your left.
Select the LOD you are after. This is based off how many bones you want the hand of the model to have. Feel free to cycle through the options to see what each one does.
When you are through click the Next button to rig your model.
When the model appears, if satisfied with the results, click
Mixamo Animations
In the far right panel select Find Animations.
After deciding on an animation, click the animation to have it applied to your model.
After the animation is applied to your model, toggle the In Place checkbox if it’s a moving animation.
You can make small adjustments to the animation by using the sliders. The most common adjustment you will make is the
Character Arm-Space
. If you find the models hands are clipping through the model then use this slider to remedy the situation. -
When satisfied with the animation, select the Download button and follow the
Mixamo Download
instructions below.
If you wish to add more animations, after the download, remove the animation by clicking on the X button located next to the animations name. Add your new animation and when satisfied, download the new animation. Repeat as often as is neccessary.
Mixamo Download
When downloading Animations
from Mixamo:
Make sure the In Place checkbox is selected if it’s a moving animation.
In the
Download Settings
dialog use the default settings.-
Format = FBX
Skin = With Skin
Frames per second = 30
Keyframe Reduction = none
Click Download and save it to your computer.
When downloading Characters
from Mixamo:
In the
Download Settings
dialog theFormat
is FBX andPose
is TPose. -
Click Download and save it to your computer.
Creating Blender Animations
Download your TPose model using the instructions for downloading Characters
given above. We will use it as our newly rigged model for Blender. To keep things organized we will create a .blend
file for every animation and later use a separate .blend
file to combine all animations into one jME3 compatible animation.
The following steps apply to any animation you want to add in the future.
Start Blender if it is not already open.
In the
header, at the top of the program, select.
Select the default cube and delete it.
- Scene Tab
In the
panel, located at the bottom right, select theScene
tab. -
In the
panel, change theUnits of measure
. You must always have these settings when importing from or exporting to Mixamo.You should create and save a default startup file in Blender.
. This way you will not have to constantly redo things. Setting your
Units of measure
is the least you should do. You can always restore the default startup file by selectingat any time.
In the
header, select.
Select the FBX file you downloaded earlier.
In the
Import Fbx
panel located at the bottom left of the import dialog, leave all settings at their defaults.- Main
Scale = 1
Import Normals
Import Animations
Armature offset = 1
Image Search
Decal offset = 0
Use pre/post rotation
- Armatures
Nothing checked
When ready click Import FBX.
After Blender imports the file, both the armature and model are selected, in this order, select
. Repeat this for the
. Alternatively, select the armature and model individually and repeat the process. -
Select the Armature.
In the
, determine the Length of the animation by RMB selecting the last keyframe in the timeline.
to this value. -
Click the |xref: button to reset timeline back to the first frame.
In the
header, change theDefault
screen layout toAnimation
. -
In the
Dope Sheet Editor
, change theDope Sheet
mode/context toAction Editor
. TheLinked Action
will now show the action name of the animation you imported. -
Rename this to the name of the imported animation. In this instance it was TPose. . Select the F button to save the action. . Save your file with the same name as the action.
Mixamo sets the rotation mode of bones to |
Creating The Rigged Animation File
It’s good practice to have a separate file for combining animations. Things can go wrong, animations may change, and you don’t want to destroy your original model file by accident. Our plan of attack has been we create a .blend file for every animation and then use this separate rigged file to combine them into one. To keep it simple we will use a copy of the first animation we downloaded and created a .blend
file for.
You create a rigged animation file only one time per model.
If you have closed the TPose.blend file, open it. In the
header selectand save the file using the models name with the word
added. This will be the only file we add animations to, for this model, from now on. It has our default TPose action which will allow us to start our animation track forOgre
animation exporting. -
Select your
.- Object Tab
In the
panel, navigate to theObject
tab. In theDisplay
panel toggleX-Ray
With your mouse inside the
3d Viewport
, press Num Pad 1 followed by Numpad 5. -
Tab into
Edit Mode
. -
Set the
3d Cursor
to the models origin. -
The models origin and the
bone origin must be at the same location. -
Scale the bone down or up as needed by selecting the
(ball at the narrowest part of the bone) and dragging theZ
arrow (blue arrow) of the manipulator up or down until you are satisfied with its scale. DO NOT CHANGE THE ANGLE OR MOVE THE BASE OF THE BONE FROM CENTER. -
When satisfied with the scale, select the body of the bone to select the entire bone.
- Bone Tab
In the
panel, navigate to theBone
tab. -
Rename the bone to
. -
Deselect the
panel checkbox.
In the
3d Viewport
, select the body of the armaturesHip
bone, the lowest bone in the center of the armature, to select the entire bone. -
While holding Shift down, LMB select the
bone. -
Press Ctrl + P.
In the
Make Parent
dialog chooseKeep Offset
. -
With the mouse inside the 3d Viewport, Tab out of
Edit Mode
. -
Select your model.
- Data Tab
In the
panel, navigate to theData
tab and make sure theMesh
has the same name as your model.
- Material Tab
In the
panel, navigate to theMaterial
tab and make sure there is oneMaterial
in theMaterial List
and it is the same name as your model. -
In the
panel, move theAlpha
slider to 1.There appears to be a bug where the FBX importer adds an
map texture to your model. If theAlpha
slider is not at one, and you use the Blender importer of the SDK, or convert a .blend file, it will be transparent.Ogre
export is unaffected. -
Deselect the checkbox of the
- Texture Tab
In the
panel, navigate to theTexture
tab, you will note that your texture has duplicate names in theTexture List
. The bottom texture is actually a transparentAlpha
texture and appears to be a bug. Select the second texture in theTexture List
to highlight it. -
While holding down the Shift key, press the X button next to the
Texture Data Block
to delete it. -
Select your remaining texture in the
Texture List
to highlight it. You will note theTexture Data Block
is now red due to no texture being assigned. -
Click on the Browse Texture to be linked button next to the
Texture Data Block
and select your texture. -
In the
panel, click the Small Box button located next to your texture’s path to pack the image file.
In the
header, change the layout fromAnimation
toUV Editing
. -
With your mouse inside the
3d Viewport
and the model still selected, Tab into edit mode. If your model is not completely orange press A untill all vertices are selected. You will see your UV Mapped mesh appear in theUV Image Editor
window. -
In the
UV Image Editor
, click the Browse Image to be linked button and select your UV image. -
Tab out of
Edit Mode
. -
In the
header, change the layout fromUV Editing
and then click the + button to create a new layout. -
Rename this new layout
NLA Editing
. -
Click the
Current Editor Type
button, located at the bottom left (small box) of the3d Viewport
, and change it from3d View
toNLA Editor
. Our TPose action is now visible.If the action is not visible, navigate to the Dope Sheet Editor
and from theAction Editor
context, select theAction
. -
Click the button to push the action down into the stack.
Beneath the TPose strip you will see a slider. Drag this slider to the right until your strip is nested up against the left margin of the window.
Save your file.
Your rigged file is now ready to export. Export your model using one of the Supported External File Types of your choice.
Appending Blender Animations
Follow the directions for custom Mixamo Animations, Mixamo Download, Creating Blender Animations, Blender Action Baking and Clearing The Linked Action Buffer for all animations you wish to append to your rigged animation file.
If your
file is closed, open it. -
From the
header, change the Layout toDefault
. -
In the
3d Viewport
, select the armature of the model. -
From the
header, select.
Navigate to, and select the
animation file you want to append. -
From the folders list select the
folder, followed by your action. -
When ready, select the Append From Library button to finalize your selection.
From the
header, change your layout toAnimation
. -
In the
Dope Sheet Editor
, change the context toAction Editor
if not already selected. -
Click the Action to be linked button and select your append action from the list.
Select the F button to save the action.
From the
header, change the layout fromAnimation
to theNLA Editing
layout we created in the Creating The Rigged Animation File section of this tutorial. You will see your appendAction
at the top of the list. -
From the
NLA Editor
header, select. A new track has now been added to the top of the list.
Click the button next to the
to push it down into the stack. -
LMB select the strip to make it the only strip selected.
LMB drag the selected strip to the right until there is at least a 4 keyframe gap between the furthest strip to the right in the list and the append strip you are dragging.
When the strip is in drag mode it will be purple. While in drag mode you do not need to keep the LMB pressed.
When you are satisfied with the position, LMB click the strip to finalize your selection. Your append strip should now be the furthest strip to the right in the list.
You can use the mouse scroll wheel to shrink or expand the strip window to bring all strips into the view.
You can drag the slider, at the bottom of the strip window, to the right or left to position the strips against the side of the window.
With the mouse inside the strip window, press the N key to open the properties window.
In the
Active Strip
panel, underStrip Extents
, you will see theEnd Frame
number. In theTimeline
, setEnd:
to this number. Every time you append anAction
you must increase this number to equal the total length off all strips combined, including the gaps between strips. -
Save your file.
Your file is now ready to xref:jme3/advanced/mixamo#export,export].
Prior to export: In the In the An Some export methods bake your actions automatically on export, others don’t. Test the animation in-game and if your animations are all messed up, try baking them or use a different exporter. |
Your NLA strip should look something like this:

See Hello Animation and Animation in JME3 to learn how to use your animated model.