The OSRViewPort allows you to create a movable, resizable ViewPort with the ability to control the camera’s rotation and zoom features via mouse input.
To initialize the OSRViewPort you can call one of the 3 standard constructors as shown in the Quick Start Guide.
Constructor 1:
/** Parameters:
* Screen screen,
* String UID,
* Vector2f position
OSRViewPort vp = new OSRViewPort(screen, "vp", new Vector2f(15, 15));
Constructor 2:
/** Additional Parameter:
* Vector2f dimensions */
OSRViewPort vp = new OSRViewPort(screen, "vp", new Vector2f(15, 15),
new Vector2f(150, 150)
Constructor 3:
/** Additional Parameters:
* Vector4f resizeBorders,
* String defaultImg
OSRViewPort vp = new OSRViewPort(screen, "vp", new Vector2f(15, 15), new Vector2f(150, 150),
new Vector4f(0,0,0,0),
Once initialized, you will want to active the OSRBridge for off-screen rendering of your new scene:
vp.setOSRBridge(Node newScene, int renderWidth, int renderHeight);
The ViewPort’s Camera control methods:
vp.setUseCameraControlRotate(boolean rotateEnabled); // enable/disable rotation control
vp.setUseCameraControlZoom(boolean zoomEnabled); // enable/disable zoom control
vp.setCameraDistance(float distance);
vp.setCameraHorizonalRotation(float angleInRads);
vp.setCameraVerticalRotation(float angleInRads);
vp.setCameraMinDistance(float distance);
vp.setCameraMaxDistance(float distance);
vp.setCameraMinVerticalRotation(float angleInRads);
vp.setCameraMaxVerticalRotation(float angleInRads);