
The Element Class

All controls are extensions of the Element class and thus, provide common methods for handling common features. Before getting to specific controls, I thought it might be a good idea to cover some of the common methods for changing basic properties… such as: text, etc.


The Element class only provides a single constructor using all 6 of the common parameters:

  * Parameters:
  * Screen screen
  * String UID
  * Vector2f position
  * Vector2f dimensions
  *  Vector4f resizeBorders
  * String defaultImgPath
Element el = new Element(
    new Vector2f(5,5),
    new Vector2f(100,100),
    new Vector4f(5,5,5,5),

All setter provide getters.

element.setFont(String font path)
element.setFontSize(float fontSize);
element.setFontColor(ColorRGBA fontColor);
element.setTextAlign(BitmapFont.Align textAlign);
element.setTextVAlign(BitmapFont.VAlign textVAlign);
element.setTextWrap(LineWrapMode textWrap);
element.setTextPosition(float x, float y);
element.setTextPadding(float textPadding);
element.setText(String text);
element.setPosition(Vector2f position);
element.setPosition(float x, float y);
element.setX(float x);
element.setY(float y);
element.setDimensions(Vector2f dimensions);
element.setDimensions(float w, float h);
element.setWidth(float width);
element.setHeight(float height);
element.setMinDimensions(new Vector2f(float x, float y));

Since position and dimensions are relative to the Element’s parent Element, there are additional getters provided for retrieving absolute X, Y, Width & Height (absolute positions start from screen coords 0, 0)


Child Elements

There are additional methods that provide recursive updates to child Elements:

element.moveTo(float x, float y);
element.resize(float diffX, floar diffY, Element.Borders dir);

Element Display Methods



Overridable hooks are provided for default behavoirs:

public void controlResizeHook() {  }
public void controlMoveHook() {  }
public void controlCleanupHook() {  }


To have the element be clipped by another element’s bounds, use:

el.setClippingLayer(Element element);

To set the clipping layer of the Element and propagate clipping to all children of the Element, use:

el.setControlClippingLayer(Element element);

Accessing the Element’s Components

el.getGeometry(); // The element's Geometry
el.getModel(); // The element's mesh
el.getTextElement(); // BitmapText (null if setText() has not been previously called)

Modifying the Material

There are plenty of methods that allow for modifying the look & feel of the Element:

// Accessing the element's material

// Updating the texture:
el.setColorMap(String imgPath); // To modify the element's base texture
el.setAlphaMap(String imgPath); // To set the element's alphamap

// Using gradient fills:
el.getModel().setGradientFillHorizontal(ColorRGBA start, ColorRGBA end);
el.getModel().setGradientFillVertical(ColorRGBA start, ColorRGBA end);

// Defining each vertex color
el.getModel().setColorBuffer(FloatBuffer colors);

// Adjusting the element's alpha
el.setGlobalAlpha(float alpha);
el.addEffect(Effect effect);
el.removeEffect(Effect.EffectEvent effectEvent);
el.populateEffects(String styleName); // Loads all effects associated with a Style
el.setIsDragDropDragElement(boolean isDragElement);
el.setIsDragDropDropElement(boolean isDropElement);

// for retrieving the current drop object under the element, use:

You must manage your own list of acceptable drop objects as any Element flagged as isDropObject will be returned.

Storing & Retrieving Custom Data

el.setElementUserData(Object data);